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Academic Activities


The vision of SDWD is to cultivate academic excellence today for a stronger community tomorrow. In Wisconsin, intelligence is viewed as multifaceted because students think, learn, and create in many different ways. Intelligence is not a single entity, but multifaceted and it translates into five areas of identification: academic, creativity, leadership, and the visual and performing arts. 

CESA 5, Central Wisconsin Talented And Gifted (CWTAG) and school districts collaborate to provide educational opportunities.

The School District of Wisconsin Dells Academic Activities for extended learning include:

  • Young Authors Conference - Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 (formerly August Derleth) - Set to take place in May 20th, 2024
  • Spelling Bee Grades 4 & 5 - January 30th, 2024 
  • Math 24 - Grades 4, 5, 6 - March 12th, 2024 

Office of Curriculum and Instruction
School District of Wisconsin Dells Administrative Office Building
811 County Road H.
Wisconsin Dells, WI 
(608) 254-7769 Phone
(608) 254-8058 Fax

Brian Grove
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
(608) 254-7769 ext. 6027

Mercedez Hoppe
Curriculum and Instruction Administrative Assistant
(608) 254-7769 ext. 6028