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Professional Qualifications of Educators

The School District of Wisconsin Dells

2024-25 Annual Notices

Parents Right To Know About Professional Qualifications of Educators

As parents/caregivers of children in the SDWD, parents have the right to request information about any teacher of their child.  Specifically, they have the right to know whether a teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for grade levels and subject areas in which they teach. Parents also have the right to request and know if the teacher is teaching under an Emergency license or any other provisional status.  Additionally, parents have the right to know, upon request, the Baccalaureate Degree of the teacher and any other graduate certifications or degrees held by teachers and the field or discipline of the subject in which they teach.   All instructional paraprofessionals in the SDWD meet the “Highly Qualified Paraprofessional” criteria under the Federal ESSA Law.  Parents also have the right to request information/inquire about specific qualifications of instructional paraprofessionals working with their child.   

Parents Right to Know About Limited Certification

Per ESSA Section 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii), the SDWD will inform parents, in writing, if their child has been taught for four consecutive weeks by a teacher with a limited State certification at the grade level or subject area.  At the elementary level, parents will receive this notification in the daily “take home” folder and through the district mass email system.  At the middle and high school levels, parents will receive this notice via U.S. Mail through the district mass email system.