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Open Enrollment

The School District of Wisconsin Dells is accepting open enrollment applications for the 2024-25 school year beginning on July 1, 2024.  Please follow the link for more information and the application.  Please contact Tiffany Clary at or 608-254-7769 ext. 6022 for any questions. 

DPI Open Enrollment Information

2024-25 Application

Come drive with us!!

SDWD is hiring bus drivers for AM/PM routes, AM routes, PM routes, sports trips, or substitute drivers!  Sign-on bonus, no experience necessary, paid in-house training! 

Substitute Teacher Training

Interested in becoming a substitute teacher?  Attend substitute teacher training through Cesa 5 in Portage to get started! 

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

Welcome back to the start of the 2024-25 school year!  I will be brief in this welcome-back message, but know we are energized to see the full return of students for the upcoming school year!  Our schools look great, and due to the efforts of our custodial and maintenance staff members, they are clean, healthy, and safe places for students to learn.

Quite frankly, our schools have been active, busy places most of the summer between summer school programming and the start of the fall sports season for the past three weeks.    Thanks to all families that keep their students active and engaged in the learning, even in the summer.  It will pay dividends when students return to the classroom.  Additionally, this is a reminder that open houses are scheduled for August 29th, and previous messages have gone out to alert families of the times of these events. 

In early September, the building principals will provide a recap of last year's school goals at the board meeting on September 9, 2024.  Our students have achieved remarkable results in their state-required assessments, a testament to their engagement, the high-quality instruction they receive, and our continued focus on the district's strategic plan.  Their achievements make us all proud and serve as an inspiration for the upcoming year.        

Later in September, the district will share specific messages regarding the district taking on a capital referendum to address safety and security projects at Spring Hill and Wisconsin Dells Middle School.  Specifically, the referendum seeks the approval of $4.5M to separate bus and car traffic at SHES by redoing the thirty-plus-year-old parking configuration and adding a west side bus-only entrance for students.  Additionally, Wisconsin Dells Middle School would add a secured entrance that emulates the secured entrances in use at Spring Hill and Wisconsin Dells High School.  In this instance, visitors would enter WDMS from Race Street to be granted access by the office staff.  Stay tuned for forthcoming detailed information on this very important topic.   

Finally, as I typically do, please allow me to close out this newsletter article by saying thank you for the opportunity to serve our community’s children for they are both our highest priority, and it is a privilege to do so.

With all these exciting developments and the dedication of our staff, I am confident that we will have a fantastic school year. Let's all look forward to the opportunities and successes that the 2024-25 school year will bring!

Terrance Slack